Thursday, October 8, 2015

If you don't believe that chemtrails are real, please read 
Sec. 7. Definitions B. (ii) to see that the word 'chemtrail' is a biological weapon according to Congress and The Space Preservation Act. Chemtrails trap in heat, which cause global warming. Depopulation agendas booming.

And what are all of these metal barrels inside of this plane for with all of these tubes hooked up to them because according to Wikipedia these barrels are used as human dummies for test flights on jets. Okay why are these barrels hooked up to tubes? Maybe to give the impression that they are 'breathing' dummies? 

If these barrels were for geo engineering, then it would say it on the Wikipedia page. Cloud seeding planes do not carry barrels, nor do cloud seeding planes make weird trails in the skies overpopulated areas. 

Wikipedia also says that chemtrails are a conspiracy and that we are seeing contrails made by passenger planes, which is bullshit. Contrails do not leave behind long trails. They dissipate immediately leaving no trails behind. I have never seen long drawn out puffy cloudish contrails in my life except for the past 10 years, even though wikipedia claims that these cloudy trails have been around since flight began, bullshit. 

The pictures with the long ass cloudy trails below do not fly like passenger planes. They fly around and around and this way and that way. What the heck is this shit? Many have found evidence that it is coal ash and aluminum among other harmful toxic dumpage. Cloud seeding has been around since the 1930's after the Dust Bowl, which uses dry ice or silver iodide or other non lethal elements. The pictures at the very bottom show cloud seeding planes which are extremely humble compared to these Wikipedia 'human dummy' barrels.

The picture above screams, WHAT??!!! because these so called barrels that are supposedly being used as human dummies to test balance of new jets have tubes and shit for releasing whatever is inside these thoroughly believed toxic containers. Whoever wrote this wikipedia page is covering up something tragic and horrible. Not that wikipedia is some kind of assured fact finder, but oh my god. 

Pilots, Doctors, and Scientists come together to expose chemtrails at a hearing, which I guess nobody heard 'em, cuz I still see chemtrails all the frickin' time.

Bees have been found dying off in remote wilderness areas where chem-trails have been sprayed leaving the bees with extremely high levels of aluminum in their system. I've seen jets do some weird maneuvers leaving behind odd-shaped trails that don't look normal for passenger planes. Are they testing new jets? Why would two jets going in the same direction on a clear blue day have different trails coming out their ass according to moisture in the air and other natural factors? That doesn't make any sense to me.

This weblink claims that this type of sky is due to passenger planes. And Ruby killed Ozwald. And 9/11 wasn't a domestic job? Why would several passenger planes or cargo planes make circles???? I do not blame the wind on these particular shapes. These planes are NOT going from point a to point b, they are turning back around to point a.

Here's a sentence from the wiki page " Contrails are formed at high altitudes (5–10 miles or 8–16 kilometers) and if any chemicals were released at such altitude they would disperse harmlessly and fall many hundreds of miles/kilometers AWAY, or degrade before touching the ground." ARE YOU FOO KING KIDDING ME? Fall many of 100's of miles AWAY FROM WHAT? 'OR' degrade before touching the ground?

Here we have a humble cloud seeding plane,
also known as geo engineering.

The pyrotechnics used for seeding at cloud base and on top are usually referred to as burn-in-place flares and Ejectable or Droppable Flares Respectively. Reports from cloud chambers show that Concho Cartridge flares are producing about 1013 ice-nuclei per liter at 5 ºC, and about 2x1013 at -5 ºC. 

This is proper seed clouding,
which is not toxic and obviously simple.